Cultural, Sports and Leisure Activities for Persons with Disabilities

Via: Source – International Online Resource Centre on Disability and Inclusion

Cultural, sports and leisure (CSL) activities are very important for achieving the inclusion and full participation of people with disabilities in all communities around the world. CSL can also include sports and adapted physical activities which are non-competitive and which promote movement and well-being.

Of course activities will vary from one context to another, but in all cases, CSL can greatly facilitate social cohesion within communities. When people with disabilities are able to participate fully in CSL activities this can greatly improve self-confidence, a sense of belonging and empowerment, and physical and psychological well-being. Inclusive CSL also benefits society at large through the unique expression of disability arts and culture such as street theatre, wheelchair dancing, poetry and short stories about disability. Disability arts and culture activities often not only express the history of the oppression of people with disabilities but also offer suggestions on how society can move forward.

The participation and inclusion of people with disabilities in cultural life, recreation, leisure and sport is supported by Article 30 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

This key list presents tools that promote the inclusion and expression of people with disabilities through CSL activities, and highlights specific sports and adapted physical activities which are popular in many parts of the world.

Related Resources

Title: Count me in: a guide to inclusive physical activity, sport and leisure for children with a disability (2006)
Mike Van Ed Lent
Summary: This guide explores the inclusion of children with disability into mainstream physical activity, sports and leisure
Download free PDF:

Title: Flourishing through leisure model : an ecological extension of the leisure and well-being model
Lynn Anderson, Linda Heyne
Summary: This resource provides handouts highlighting theories, approaches, strategies and activities related to leisure and well-being
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Title: Playgrounds for all children
Author: David Werner
Summary: This chapter presents information about how to involve local people in building low-cost rehabilitation playgrounds that should be built for use by all children, both disabled and non-disabled. Examples of playgrounds and equipment are provided
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